This past week I was asked to come to the Princess Festival for 2 days to meet all the little princesses and hand out awards to the "Forever Princesses" being recognized for service they do. I had so much fun and the look on their faces when they touched my crown was priceless!
The second day was the best since I brought my own little princesses (Abby and Louisa, my daughters).
Growing up there were huge honeysuckle bushes in our backyard that we always picked to lick the nectar out of. At the festival there were honeysuckle bushes and I took the opportunity to show my daughters what I used to do when I was their age.
I taught them how to pick them and then gently pull the stem so it pulled all the sweet nectar out of the bottom. It made me so happy to see how much they loved it too!
You are Gorgeous and I love these photos:)!!!